Billing & Account

We want you to love Flinto. If you have any trouble with your account, we want to straighten it out. If something doesn’t seem right, it’s probably our mistake. We’re don’t engage in any funny business!


Credit card is the only method of payment we accept. Enter your credit card in on the billing page to start your subscription. If you are in a free trial, we won’t charge you until it’s over. You can choose to pay by the month or by the year. Flinto is a subscription service, that means you get charged automatically until you cancel. And cancelling is easy, just click the cancel button on the billing page.


Everyone who signs up for Flinto gets 30 days free. The trial starts after you upload your first screen.

Delete Account

You can entirely delete your account by going to your profile page and clicking the button in the bottom left. Remember that you can cancel your subscription too, no need to delete everything if that’s not what you need to do!