This guide applies to Flinto Lite, for information about our Mac app, go here
Bring your prototype to life by drawing links on top of the buttons in your screens and specifying a target screen. When you tap the link, you go to the target screen. We’ve made it really easy. Too easy maybe. If you feel guilty, try doing some pushups after drawing your links.
Click and drag on a screen to draw a link. You’ll immediately enter target mode when you finish drawing the link. Go ahead and click the screen you’d like to be the target. Repeat until done.
You’ll be pleased to know that you can start drawing your link outside of the screen area. Makes it really easy to get up in the corners.
Protip: Hold space while drawing a link to reposition it before you even finish drawing. Photoshop masters will appreciate this one.
If you have a link that should go back to the previous screen, but there are multiple incoming screens, we’ve got you covered. Just target the “Link Back” button in the toolbar instead of targeting a screen. Now that link will always go back, and reverse whichever transition was used.
Select a link, then press the “Ignore History” button, and that link will be ignored when you hit a back button. This is handy for links that go to a similar screen that shows a different state of the screen you are on. It’s a little hard to explain, but you’ll understand immediately once you need it.
Select links by clicking them. Click a selected link to re-target. Hold shift to select multiple links on the same screen. Press delete to delete the currently selected links.
Click and drag on a link to move it. Click and drag on the corners and edges to resize it.
Hold option while dragging a link to duplicate it. Works with multiple links selected too.
After you draw a link, or any time a link is selected, you can choose the transition it will use from the toolbar.
The clock icon in the corner of each screen can be used to make that screen auto-advance after a set period of time. Click it and target it just like a normal link. You can set the duration in the toolbar.
This. Is. Awesome. Hold option while hovering over a screen. Links will be drawn automatically under your cursor. We do this by analyzing the image and detecting the edges of buttons. It makes drawing links super fast.
If you ever find yourself manually creating the same set of links across a bunch of screens, stop! Flinto’s Link Group feature makes this easy. Just set up the links on one screen, then select all of them and drag them all right off the screen and drop them onto another screen. Now they are grouped.
You can move, resize and retarget individual links in the group, and its counterparts on all other screens will update.
When you delete a grouped link, it is deleted from all screens. If you want to add a new link to a group, just draw it on one screen, then select it along with another link from the group and press the Add to Group button.
You can also ungroup the links on one screen by selecting them and pressing the ungroup button.