The Editor

The editor is where you assemble your prototype by adding screens and linking them together. This page gives an overview of the major components of the Flinto editor.

Editor Basics

This short video gives you a brief overview of the major features of the Flinto editor.

Adding Screens

Add screens to your prototype by dragging them into the editor window. You can also press the Add Screens button in the tool bar if you prefer.


Press the preview button or use the shortcut “p” in the tool bar to get a quick preview of your prototype and make sure things are working properly.


Use the slider in the upper right to zoom all your screens in and out. You can use the “+” and “-” keys as a shortcut.



Set the icon that will appear when you install your prototype. iOS prototypes also have a startup image that appears when the prototype is first launched. You can use drag and drop for the images here.

Share View

There are some handy options here. You can disable the tap highlights that appear when tapping a link or missing a link, that adds a bit more realism to your prototype.

Duplicating & Deleting

The actions tab has buttons for duplicating and deleting your prototype. Duplicating is handy if you want to save the current version. Deleting is handy if you never want to see this prototype again. Seriously, once it’s gone we can’t bring it back.